Engine 3 Replacement
By Chief Ryan Foster
November 15, 2023

We are pleased to announce that our department was able to work a deal on a demo Engine. By buying a demo apparatus that is already manufactured, we are able to save a significant amount of money, and a three year build time. The truck is going to our local vendor to have some changes made to fit our needs. Our goal is to take delivery of the engine by the end of the year. Once we have received the apparatus we will have to mount equipment, then all of our drivers will have to complete drivers training on the apparatus. Our goal is to have the new engine in service in January. This apparatus will allow us to remove a front line engine that is over 30 years old.

While we strive to maintain our fleet of aging apparatus, it is becoming more difficult. Our biggest issue is attempting to obtain parts for apparatus that were manufactured over 30 years ago. Our department has been operating our reserve engine 7 months straight this year as we wait on parts for older apparatus.

We are so thankful for the support that our citizens have shown us, and are striving to provide better service everyday.